So Proud of Our Oxy-Breather Customers
“…This is the cannula I’ve been hoping someone would make since I was first put on oxygen…”
I received the Oxy-Breather today and it’s great!
This is the cannula I’ve been hoping someone would make since I was first put on oxygen two years ago at 39 years old.
I am currently awaiting a lung transplant for Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.
I hated the standard nasal cannula from the very start, so thank you, thank you!
“…Your cannula design has helped me gain more confidence in my appearance… Thank you for creating a major step to enjoying my life.”
Dear Oxy-Tech,
I am very embarrassed by this disease (COPD). Itâs the only disease I know of that not only punishes your lungs and heart but also punishes you by the stigma.
When I went on oxygen I never wanted to be seen with a cannula on my face in public, especially with my wife.
The reason is, she is a great person, quite a catch, and she never smoked. We have been together for over 30 years.
I still want to be her knight in armor. I also want to wink at myself in the mirror once in a while. The world has plenty of people like me.
Your cannula design has helped me gain more confidence in my appearance. Oh sure I know people know that I was a smoker, but there is a real feeling of touché.
I donât feel the standard ugly, bulbous, full cannula that reminds me of chains hanging on my face. I feel a very soft light weight custom structured cannula that gives me a major portion of my face back.
I wore your first cannula out and about for 3 months. You would be amazed how personal this cannula becomes. You kind of create a perfect fit that you want to repeat every time you put it on.
Look at it this way, the less amount of cannula the better youâre going to be treated by most. However there are some who are understanding. The problem is, theyâre usually smokers.
Thank you for creating a major step to enjoying my life.

“I think you are on to the best cannula ever made…”
Hi Oxy-Tech,
I tried the Oxy-Breather you had sent and it sure feels good on my nose and face.
I think you are on to the best cannula ever made.
Thanks again.
“I love it. It’s so light – – and doesn’t get in the way.”
First of all, I just got it today and it far exceeds my expectations. I love it. It’s so light – – and doesn’t get in the way. And I’m no longer constantly pulling 50 feet of hose through the house by my face.
I’m headed to pulmonary rehab tomorrow and am really happy to be able and show it off. I imagine many folks will want one. I even stopped a lady using oxygen at the grocery store this afternoon and told her about it. She’s Googling it tonight.
By-the-way, the reason I searched under The most comfortable cannula was because I was having a claustrophobic attack with my old cannula and needed to see if there was a comfortable alternative. And, thank God, there is.
“…Wearing it is like a feather on my face. Really don’t feel anything… I would recommend this for everyone using oxygen. Great product!”
Hi there,
I’m writing just to tell you how thrilled I am to have purchased the Oxy-Breather because I was constantly trying to find ways for the cannulas to stay in place.
I’ve been on oxygen only 3 months and the cannulas were the worst problem. Either they were too tight and left lines on my face or if I loosened they fall out of my nose.
After I received and used the Oxy-Breather my problem was over. It is the answer for me. Wearing it is like a feather on my face. Really don’t feel anything.
And the way it is attached on the side or back of my garment keeps the cannula in place and doesn’t pull when I step on the tubing (which I seem to do all the time).
I would recommend this for everyone using oxygen. Great product!
“…I’ve fantasized about this product for quite some time… Thank you for inventing what I only imagined.”
Dear Sydney,
I cannot believe I’ve fantasized about this product for quite some time and look so forward to using it.
It is miserable and uncomfortable having tubing under your neck and all of the things that you eloquently describe in your video.
I am a radiation oncologist by training and frequently had to prescribe oxygen for my patients since I specialized in lung cancer.
There is no way to understand what that’s like until you have to use oxygen.
I ease myself somewhat with oxy-ears is again never recommended by my physician and now I am looking so forward to your product.
Thank you for inventing what I only imagined.
“The oxy-breather took 100% of that horrid ear pain away! It’s also extremely discreet which is wonderful for a young woman like myself. “
Oxy-Breather is a truly one of a kind cannula! Traditional cannulas created uncomfortable ear pressure that lead to severe pain during my use of home oxygen therapy. There were times where I would have rather had a low oxygen headaches than wear a cannula for another moment! The oxy-breather took 100% of that horrid ear pain away! It’s also extremely discreet which is wonderful for a young woman like myself. I am so glad there is something like this on the market!
“…The freedom, comfort, flexibility, and ease of the Oxy-Breather made my vacation so much more enjoyable. I was able to participate more fully and feel like people saw me first — not my oxygen…”
I can’t thank you enough for going ABOVE AND BEYOND what typical customer service conventions would be in place to ensure that I had my Oxy-Breather available for our cruise to Mexico. I’m SO thankful you did!!! We were on this trip with 14 friends as a an anticipated last-hurrah of sorts before doubling down and likely getting on the lung transplant list in January. The freedom, comfort, flexibility, and ease of the Oxy-Breather made my vacation so much more enjoyable. I was able to participate more fully and feel like people saw me first — not my oxygen. What a wonderful gift you’ve given to me and those of us who have found our way to your great product so far.
We’re now home, recuperating, and getting into the swing of the holidays. I’ve written down the Oxy-Tech website for 5 different oxygen users a this point. Next time I get a shipment, I’d love to get some of your cards because every time I leave the house I feel like I’m telling people about, showing, or otherwise recommending your product and I’d love to have your brand/logo/card to send people directly to your door.
In the meantime, I’d love to take you up on the offer of a follow up chat sometime at your convenience. I don’t know whether you’re slammed this month or whether you’d like to set up a time to chat (Skype, Facetime, etc.) in the next week or two. Whether its sooner or later, I look forward to talking to you more about your great product as a user and hearing about what you have in store with future versions.
I hope you are well and THANK YOU, again, so very much, for your effort and dedication which really helped me have a much enhanced vacation.
Take care.